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Mental Health Matters in Ontario

According to Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, around 30% of people in Ontario will experience a mental health or substance abuse issue in their lifetimes. Depression and anxiety issues are the most common diagnoses. Around 12% of Ontario adults (ages 20-64) have a mood or anxiety issue, compared to only 7% of teens (ages 12-19) and 9% of elders (ages 65+).

Depression and suicidality are especially big concerns in Ontario. A 2012 report found depression caused more years of reduced functioning than lung, breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers combined. In two 2016 studies, 2% of adults and 14% of high-school students said they seriously contemplated suicide in the past year. 

Opioid abuse is also a notable issue in Ontario. Between 2003 and 2017, the number of opioid-related deaths increased by 246%. Over 1,250 people died of opioid overdose in 2017. Fentanyl specifically was present in 64% of these deaths, making it by far the most common opioid in these cases. Morphine, the next most common drug, was present in only 17% of deaths.

Access to mental health and addiction treatment can be limited in Ontario. According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, wait times for therapy and counseling in Ontario can last up to one year. There is a growing shortage of psychiatrists as well, in part because the number of clinicians retiring exceeds the number of people entering the field. 

To increase access to mental health care, Ontario has pledged to invest $17 billion in mental health and addiction care between 2018 and 2022. The funding will be directed toward many initiatives, such as hiring more mental health workers in secondary schools and colleges. Ontario also plans to create 100 new hospital beds for people with mental health or addiction crises. 


  1. Mental illness and addiction: Facts and statistics. (n.d.). Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Retrieved from
  2. No health without mental health [PDF]. (2014). Public Health Ontario. Retrieved from
  3. Ontario making historic investment in mental health and addictions care for every stage of life. (2018, March 21). Retrieved from
  4. Opening eyes, opening minds: The Ontario burden of mental illness and addiction report [PDF]. (2012). Retrieved from
  5. Opioid-related morbidity and mortality in Ontario. (2018, December 12). Public Health Ontario. Retrieved from

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