Working with Clients Through Financial Difficulties (COVID-19)

Continuing to work with clients through financial difficulties during Covid-19 is critical. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of virtually everyone around the world. Whether it is affecting their work, their social life, or their access to health services, everyone has been impacted by the coronavirus to some degree. 

For clients who meet regularly with a behavioral health provider, accessing services may not be as simple as it was prior to COVID-19. For clients navigating financial difficulties during this time, the attention of a therapist might be necessary now more than ever.

Possible Financial Impact on Clients Due to COVID-19

Due to stay-at-home orders set in place in most states, many individuals are experiencing financial strain. For some clients, this means they have lost their job or have had a large reduction in their ability to work their job.

This adjustment has many clients struggling to pay their bills, let alone visit with their behavioral health provider. These rapid changes have led to many clients experiencing higher levels of anxiety, fear, and depression as the pandemic continues to unfold.

Implementing the following strategies can empower therapists to help their clients navigate through this financially straining time.

How Therapists Can Help

Offer Flexibility

Flexibility is key during a time where circumstances are constantly changing and it is impossible to know when things will return to normal. Depending on the needs of your client, therapists should offer flexibility whenever possible during COVID-19.

This might include implementing a telehealth solution so that your clients can continue following COVID-19 stay-at-home and social distancing measures. Telehealth enables you to visit with your clients via a virtual platform, using audio/visual communication.

If your clients are considered essential workers through COVID-19, flexibility in your scheduling may be necessary for those having to work extended hours. Offering flexibility and accessibility to your clients can give them some peace, knowing their behavioral health provider is still available when so much else is unknown.

Temporarily Discount Sessions

Some clients might be experiencing strain when it comes time to pay their behavioral health providers. This could lead to a lapse in services and a lapse in care. Providers might consider offering a temporary discount for services and sessions through the remainder of COVID-19.

A discount on cost could make all of the difference to a client experiencing financial strain due to COVID-19. Doing so could allow them to continue getting the attention they need during, especially trying circumstances. 

Suggest Financial Resources

Many individuals are overwhelmed by all of the rapid changes and stressors that the pandemic has laid in front of them and many do not know where to start to find relief. Therapists should point their clients to helpful financial resources that could offer them assistance through the duration of COVID-19. With the right tools and relief, your client can minimize the strain, anxiety, and fear they are experiencing as a result of financial difficulties.

Start by making a list of federal relief and community resources that your client might be eligible for or find helpful moving forward. This can give them a great starting point for getting their head above water.

While you as the therapist might not have all of the answers, helping your clients navigate some of the practical details of the pandemic can alleviate a great deal of fear and anxiety they might be experiencing during this time.

To learn more about how you can more effectively help your clients through the duration of COVID-19, click here.


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