Domestic Violence and Trauma: 4 Things Everyone Should Know

waitingOctober is recognized as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is an important issue to bring attention to, as awareness is the first step in making changes. Domestic violence is a subject that some may be uncomfortable discussing, as it may seem that it is too big to do something about. It may also seem unlikely that someone could get past such a difficult situation and move forward with his or her life. There is often a feeling of hopelessness associated with this subject. The good news is that there are appropriate ways to approach this subject and domestic violence situations that do not have to feel overwhelming or impossible.

Domestic violence is traumatic for all involved. This includes victims, loved ones of victims, children and animals who witness the violence, and there is sometimes even an element of trauma for the perpetrators themselves. Often, violent behavior is the result of having learned it at some point in life. It is not uncommon for perpetrators of domestic violence to have been victims of violence and trauma themselves at some point.

So what can we do about it?

First, we must acknowledge that domestic violence stereotypes are dangerous and can prevent some people from acknowledging it is happening to them or someone they love. For example, domestic violence doesn’t always have to mean there is physical violence in the home. Domestic violence can take many forms, including verbal attacks, name-calling, putting financial constraints on one partner, etc. Other forms of violence can be equally and sometimes more traumatic as physical violence. The emotional injuries that these other types of violence leave can last longer than a physical injury. Often they result in negative beliefs about oneself that are carried around as burdens throughout life.

It is also important to acknowledge domestic violence situations do no always occur with the perpetrator being male and the victim female. Either partner or both partners can perpetrate at one time or another. Domestic violence can also happen between siblings, children perpetrating on parents, and other forms that many don’t initially think of when considering what domestic violence looks like. Knowing that domestic violence can take many forms helps to increase awareness.

Second, it is important to start a conversation and know the questions to ask regarding whether someone is in a relationship (romantic or otherwise) that is violent. Bringing up specific observations and concerns, and asking whether another person is hurting the person in any way, is a good way to start. Victims and perpetrators of domestic violence aren’t always initially willing to talk about any violence that is going on. Remember that there is often a great deal of shame associated with domestic violence that may be a barrier to receiving help. Even if those questions aren’t answered, the message can be clear regarding the fact you care about the individual and want to help them when and if they want help in the future.

Third, it is vital to know the resources that are available to help someone who is in a domestic violence situation. There are numerous resources that can be extremely helpful to someone who either needs to get through such a situation or someone who needs to leave. The National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233) is one such resource.

Fourth, knowing that there is help available to both the victim and the perpetrator in a domestic violence situation can increase hope. As mentioned above, many times perpetrators have experienced being a victim of violence themselves. It is also not uncommon for victims to have also experienced some form of abuse or trauma prior to their current abusive relationship. A domestic violence situation by itself is very traumatic. There are specific techniques (I use eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR) that can be utilized to address past and current trauma and beliefs that may be impacting current behaviors and beliefs associated with the abuse for the perpetrator, the victim, and anyone else who has witnessed or is impacted by violence.

The bottom line is that talking about domestic violence does not have to be negative, scary, or overwhelming. Growing awareness about the issue and, most of all, discussing what we can do about it creates safety and hope in addressing and changing one of the most dangerous issues that exists in our society.

© Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Anastasia Pollock, LCMHC, Posttraumatic Stress Topic Expert Contributor

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

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  • Jo

    October 20th, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    Knowing the resources and help that is actually available can be critical when someone is in dire need of that help

  • Whitley

    October 20th, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    What I would like everyone to know is that just because I have a big mouth and an attitude that does not mean that that gives him the right to hit me. I know that somewhere in my life even thru all of this abuse there has been someone out there who says that I deserve this because I was probably running my mouth. You know what? The chan ces are pretty high that I was but that doesn’t mean that you can treat me like that and think that a hit or a shove will shut me up. As a matter of fact the more you do that the louder I intend to get and to shout it to the world that women, nowhere, deserve this kind of treatment.

  • rosa

    October 21st, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    You also have to know the right time to ask and the right time to step back. There are bound to be times when someone will want to talk and there will be other times when they could clam up and not want to talk at all. As long as you let them know that you are there for them when you need them then I think that most people will definitely appreciate that.

  • anonymous

    October 22nd, 2014 at 3:55 AM

    when you live thru this kind of hate and violence it is very easy to get beaten down not just physically but emotionally too

  • Andrea

    October 25th, 2014 at 1:55 PM

    Please be so careful when bringing this type of thing up.
    You never know hwo is going to react in what way, who will be open to pursuing the conversation and who will shut themselves off as a result.
    You don’t want to try to do the right thing and then be rebuffed and be able to do little good as a result.

  • Jermaine

    October 26th, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    I know that I have done some things in my life that I am not proud of but the one thing that I am proud of is that when I knew that I needed help with my temper I sought it out and worked on it. I always saw my dad losing his temper at home, so that’s what I grew up thinking how you were supposed to act, even with the people that you loved. Now I know that this is not right, it goes against everything that I believe but for a time I became him and ultimately did not like the person looking back at me in the mirror.

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